Friday 13 January 2012

Moonrise Kingdom Trailer

Okay, so you know I don't get all dewy-eyed when it comes to seeing the quirky character-driven flicks on screen. I usually will see them second run, in discounted matinees or with coupons. I pay top dollar for the spectacle, you know, the explosions, the fights, the star ships, the monsters, etc. But, every now and again, one of these films comes along and I have to see it. Moonrise Kingdom by Wes Anderson is one of those films. I am very, very excited about this. Here's the trailer...

Oh my God!! Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Frances MacDormand and Bruce Willis. What a strange brew of quirky goodness. I've just got to see this. Plus, it's Wes Anderson, who is such a great writer and director to me. I loved Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou and Rushmore. All with Bill Murray, one of my favorite comedic actors. He's just awesome.

Moonrise Kingdom will hit theaters here in the States on May 25 in limited release.

Will you see this? Or am I all by my weird lonesomeness?


Southpaw said...

It looks interesting. I'll probably watch it, maybe not immediately though.

Unknown said...

@Southpaw There's just something about this film that draws you. Glad you liked it. :)

M. Hufstader said...

This looks brilliant! I'd see it for the cast alone, really. But there is something about movies that treat little kids like...the sadistic little crazy people they are and not ethereal small all-knowing beings that always strikes a chord with me. This looks like the shit, and I'll have to check it out! It's debatable whether or not I'll see it in the theaters, though frankly this could be a cute date night movie that won't leave me aching for a BB gun. Excellent!

Unknown said...

@M LOL That is high praise indeed! I love movies like this. Kids can be crazed mini adults and I think it rocks to nth degree when the movies go there.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bill Murray and a campground - always a dangerous combination.

Unknown said...

@Alex Absolutely! I loved Meatballs. :)

FilmMattic said...

This film is definitely on my radar. Wes Anderson is a very creative filmmaker with unique sensibilities. And also count me in the "Love Bill Murray" fan club. The guy is comedy personified.

Thanks for the info, Mel!

Unknown said...

@Matt Anytime! Wes Anderson's characters always resonate with me. I love how odd they are with their own skewed outlooks.

Craig Edwards said...

This Anderson kid has something all right. Definitely keeping an eye on this one...

Unknown said...

@Craig Anderson is definitely a director on the rise. I can't wait to see this. I was intrigued from the start which bodes very well.