Thursday 7 April 2011

Poster Contest - UPDATE

Last week we posted telling you about our fabulous poster contest sponsored by and who are putting up some fabulous prizes for 1st 2nd and 3rd place, click here to read the previous post and rules of entry.

So far we have had a great response, though some of you would rather not use your face to personalise the poster. The 411 realise that many bloggers would rather remain discreet with their personal photos, therefore we have decided to relax the rules a little. From now, though we still encourage you to personalise your posters as much as you can, we are now accepting mock up movie posters without your own personal face included, you can now use your dream team cast in a film you have made-up, or for those of you who write books why not turn it into a movie with the actors you imagine playing your characters and of course for those of you who want to be the main stars of a movie we are welcoming them with open arms.

We are looking for fun wacky ideas, so let your imagination run wild with you.

Below is a poster submitted by one of our favourite readers Matty of who has donned a part in the “Good Will Hunting” Remake, Robin Williams reprising his character!

Every Thursday we will post some submitted posters for your viewing pleasure along with updates about the contest until the contest closes at the end of April.

To enter your poster, just email and attach your poster, please put ‘411 poster contest’ in the subject bar.

And lets not forget our fabulous sponsors and who are putting up some fabulous prizes Including a personalised Bobblehead, paintings (displayed on the right) and vouchers to our winners.

Their websites are well worth a visit if your looking for a fun and wacky gift for your friends and family or even yourself who specialise in sculptures are experts at their craft, The item is fully handmade and customizable upon request, they don't use any computer printing software to keep the product's originality.
The customer can modify the sculpture and the painting as many time as he or she requires.
Each item is moulded to ensure quality and durability.
500 Hundred different models are available on the website plus one category where the customer can choose his own clothes and positions
Express shipping service is available for customers in a hurry

There is also more actual details about how it is made here:

And the Same goes for their sister site, the item is also fully handmade, and they don't use any copy/paste techniques to save time, every face is drawn from scratch and no matter what angle the customer requests, we can draw the face
The customer can modify each painting at will, they don't ship any item until full satisfaction.
Each canvas is mounted on a thick wooden wall, has golden back straps and is ready to hang on the wall, once it's bought, it's ready to offer and packed adequately
Many cool models are available like superman, wolverine or more serious models like the godfather with express shipping service available for customers in a hurry.

I have ordered mine today and I will show mine off in next weeks post for you all to have a marvel and giggle.

So what are you waiting for, get involved!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cool! Might have to enter now.

FilmMattic said...

Ha, that guy in the Good Will Hunting poster above is a pretty handsome lad! Ah, just jostling with you all, lol. Thanks for the plug bud! The contest rocks.

levian said...

haha! it required a certain level of photoshop skill to really match a face to its poster n not looked oddly standing out. i guess its angle counts too? :)

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Matty, just love the expression of your face on that poster. :)
Get ready for the sequel - "The Good Matthew Vanacore" hits theaters next year. :)

Movies on my Mind said...

Makes me wish that I had a talent in that area so that I can enter

RaShelle Workman said...

What a fun idea. =D

Major Mack said...

no thanks. i already have a 40 foot statue of myself in my courtyard.

FilmMattic said...

Haha Nebular, you had me going there! Let's hope for the sake of mankind that "The Good Matthew Vanacore" never sees the light of day. LOL. I'm just kidding. It would be EPIC!

Wendy Lu said...

A poster contest sounds awesome!! I have never heard of one before. :) Great blog by the way, the background is pretty cool.

Thanks so much for following my blog. :) If you're interested, come sign up for my 100-Followers Blogfest, titled "Inanimation," it's going to be great!


Christian James said...

really fun idea dempsey, i have submitted my poster.

The Confessions of a Drama Queen said...

This was a lovelly blog post