Tuesday 11 October 2011

The Avengers: First Look

Okay, so I have been dying for this movie because not only is it some of the coolest heroes ever gathered, but it's Joss Freakin Whedon at the helm. A badass director, writer and producer, whose work I worship. Sorry, geek moment! Anyway without further ado here is the trailer for the superhero movie The Avengers, opening in May 2012.

Wow!! Is this kick ass or what? I knew Joss would give ol' Golden Boy an edge and seeing his 'tude with Tony Stark, plus what looks like his dust ups with Thor, yeah I think I just might like this version of CA. Speaking of my fave billionaire genius, RDJ is looking hellagood as usual. Love his little comment to Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner there at the end. And holy hell Thor was killer. Love Chris Hemsworth. Jeremy Renner was wicked bad, showing off that archery as Hawkeye. Dayum!!

The threat in here is epic. Tom Hiddleston has really amped up Loki. He looks meaner with a whole lot more attitude. That carpet bombing looks superb and so well done.

One problem for me though. Scarlet as Black Widow. She looks good, but I hope that these fight scenes are not indicative of what we can expect from her. There's got to be more. Tell me, why does every girl hero have to take down a man by crushing him with her thighs? I mean, seriously, there is no other possible way to beat his ass to death? How about a nice blow to the nose, driving it up into his brain? Come on Joss, I expected better. You created Buffy and Zoe for crying out loud. They didn't have to resort to the Thigh Master Take Down. Then again the bulk of this viewing audience is slavering little males who will be drooling into their popcorn going,"Scarlet could take me down that way anytime, heh,heh,heh."

Of course if Whedon has Chris Hemsworth go shirtless at any point in this film, all will be forgiven. I'll be drooling in my popcorn. Heh, heh, heh.

So what do you all think? Like it? Love it? Meh? Or OMFG it's another Marvel movie, I'd rather poke my eyes out with a fork. Talk to me.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I think it's going to be awesome! And what a cast. Shame Hawkeye didn't get his own movie, but at least we met him in Thor.
Is there another piece of exercise equipment you'd like to use besides the Thigh Master, Melissa?

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

The 411 is finally back on track! :)

Saw the trailer earlier today and really enjoyed it. I can't wait to see it. May seems so far away...

Southpaw said...

Yep, awesome.

DEZMOND said...

you know I don't like the casting, except Chris and Chris, so I'm passing on this one, but there were some funny scenes in the trailer, the ones with THor off course :) He is such a scene stealer :)

M. Hufstader said...

Just the fact that Joss Whedon is at the helm of an Avengers movie is enough to make me piss my pants with joy. But the trailer really sealed the deal. Love it! RDJ steals the show, of course. I've got to agree with you, though, one of the major plus sides of Whedon is that...his females are badass. And the superhero verse really lacks cool chicks. So I'm REALLY hoping he amps up the ScarJo, even if we all know she's just in it for the tits. Ergh. Can't Whedon just throw Zoe in there and call it a day?

Craig Edwards said...

Can't comment - heading to theater to get in line - May is only 200-ish days away, after all!

Unknown said...

@Alex LOL What exercise equipment move would I use instead. I think a good, hard series of high kicks and a throat chop should do it. ;) And yes, Hawkeye needs his own film.

@Nebular May seems like an eternity away and I so cannot wait for this film. I'm hoping to keep The 411 on track. :)

@Southpaw I absolutely concur with that assessment.

Unknown said...

@Dez Yep, Chris as Thor did steal the scenes here. I just love him and I hope I get to see him shirtless. ;)

@M Whedon rules!!! We sure as hell need more badass female superheroes and hopefully ScarJo's Black Widow will be the start. Haywire is coming!

@Craig LOL Yeah you got to get there early if you want to pick a good seat. You might need someone to help hold your place for those bathroom breaks though.

Dempsey Sanders said...

Can't wait for this movie Melissa, it's going to be epic, great post!

Unknown said...

@Dempsey Thank you! It will be epic and I'm going to be there day 1 hopefully, to see it and drool in my popcorn over Chris Hemsworth, shirtless or not. LOL