Tuesday 29 March 2011

Two Popular Female Characters Get A Reboot

Two iconic female characters have gotten reboots in light of two new films. Miss Marple, the older, spinsterish creation of Agatha Christie, will be played by none other than Jennifer Garner. Garner, who will also produce, and Walt Disney Studios will re-invent the literary crime solver for a younger, hipper audience with a script by Twin Peaks writer Mark Frost. Miss Marple's most famous outing to date was perhaps the 1980 film, The Mirror Crack'd starring Angela Lansbury in the pivotal role and co-starring Hollywood luminaries Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and Tony Curtis.

Amy Adams, everyone's favorite red head, has been cast as Lois Lane in Zack Snyder's new film Superman: Man of Steel. Margot Kidder made the role famous in the string of classic Christopher Reeve films while Kate Bosworth made a tepid stab at the celebrated reporter in Bryan Singer's so-so Superman Returns.

I am excited to say the least. Miss Marple and Lois Lane mean a lot in the pantheon of strong female characters. What are your thoughts on Jennifer and Amy taking on these roles?


Tom said...


Major Mack said...

i suppose we'll see

Anonymous said...

Ok, Disney needs to quit changing great characters for the "younger and hipper" audience. Seriously, I have lost all respect for that company since they bought out Marvel. I grew up reading Agatha Christie novels and watching the Hercule Perot and Miss Marple films, and this news makes me want to throw up. Granted, Jennifer Garner is an attractive woman, but why can't they just stick to what ha salready been established? And why, for God's sake did they hire on the writer from TWIN PEAKS?! Utter BS and they will be losing a good chunk of their established 'older generation" fanbase with this move.

Jaccstev said...

Jennifer as Miss Marple, that's sound really cool! and I believe Amy is gonna be a lovable and enchanting Lois Lane.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

I'm so happy that Snyder's casting team has picked Amy Adams. She's a terrific and extremely versatile actress, so she'd make a great Lois Lane.

Jennifer Garner is so naturally beautiful, I've always liked her. I'm not familiar with Miss Marple as a character, but I expect another charismatic turn from Jen.

Mel, another great post. You rock! :)

levian said...

i would love to have a new Lois Lane to look at! i can't help but always have the shadow of the old Lois Lane in my head whenever this name was mentioned. this would definitely be something fresh! :)

Unknown said...

@Tom I'm guessing you like both of these ladies. :)

@Major.Mack You're right, we'll have to see if it all works out, but both actresses are very talented.

@Anonymous I'm a fan of the Christie books, too, and I think a different Miss Marple might attract a new generation to the stories. I'm a little surprised by Mark Frost doing the script, but he is good writer.

@Jaccstev Amy as Lois will rock and Jennifer should make a very cool Miss Marple.

Unknown said...

@Nebular Thanks George:) I was really happy when they announced Amy as Lois. She's brings that spunky attitude that is inherent in the character. I've always liked Jennifer as well and I can't wait to see what she does with the role.

@levian I'm really looking forward to a new Lois, too. Amy is going to be awesome.

FilmMattic said...

Cool stories Mel!

I must admit. I'm not such a big fan of Amy Adams, but Kate Bosworth was terrible as Lois Lane. I think Adams will definitely do a better job, and perhaps, she'll turn me into a fan.

Jennifer Garner is gorgeous. Affleck is a lucky man!

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

I'll pass. Young and hip should learn to appreciate classic.

DEZMOND said...

According to today's news, Garner might not get the role, since Christie's publishers aren't happy with the idea at all :) I don't like the actress, so I'm not excited.

But as you know, Melsy, I'm totally excited about Amy becoming Lois!

Unknown said...

@Matt Thanks! I do think Amy will do wonders for Lois Lane. Kate just seemed overwhelmed by the role.

@Mary LOL I hear you. Somethings may be better off unchanged.

@Dez Wow! Doesn't surprise me that Christie's publisher would object. They have stock in the intellectual property and how it's portrayed.

You and I could not agree more about the selection of Amy. :)

Movies on my Mind said...

Yeah, it seems Hollywood is becoming more and more desperate. I saw SUCKER PUNCH and Mr. Snyder cannot tell a story, no matter how talented his cast.

As for Ms. Marple... did SEX AND THE CITY 2 tell us nothing about how loyal that kind of audience is?

Unknown said...

@Movies You are so right about SATC 2. I am curious to see just how they will handle Miss Marple.

Dempsey Sanders said...

Well Amy as Louis I was really unsure of at first - but now changed my mind conciderably, lets just hope they get the new Superman right

Great post Mel

Unknown said...

Thanks, Demps. I sure hope Snyder does do justice Superman and gives us an incredible movie. Cavill should make an excellent Man of Steel.

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