Sunday 20 February 2011

What the hell is going on with the 411!

Apologies readers. Because of a massive work load I have at the minute due to catching up from when I was ill, having time to write posts and read - comment other blogs has become impossible. Though my work load is easing now, it will be another week until I return to blogging.

However, things are going to be gearing up on the 411 in March, we will have more permanent writers than just me so this can’t happen again, we will also be giving you news on The Movie411 Blog Awards 2011 that will be taking nominations earlier this year than last. Also our fabulous Christian James will be launching a sister site to this one very soon, more news on that in March.

I would also like to thank all the guest writers that have submitted articles to the 411 this year already. One of our favourite guest writers Melissa Bradley of Melissa’s Imaginarium will be more of a permanent fixture on here from now on as so many have enjoyed her work and lucky for us she loves it here. And Ali of Dark-Blue-Jeans will also become a permanent writer on the 411.

If you would like to guest write for the 411 to promote your own blog then please e-mail as we are still accepting guest posts at present.

I would also like to extend a special thank you to Dezmond of Hollywood Spy and Alex J Cavanaugh for their guest posts and support.

So that leaves me to say I hope you have all had a great week, and have an even better one this week….
Best Wishes from Miami…..Demps xx


Unknown said...

Look at you all hot and sexy in Miami. ;) I'm looking at freezing rain. :( Can't wait for all the good things coming up on The 411, I'm very happy to be a part of it. That is too cool about Christian's site. Glad to have you back, my friend.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hey Dempsey! Good to hear tge 411 will be back in style soon. Melissa will make a great addition as well. And it looks like best wishes from sunny Miami at the moment...

DEZMOND said...

What? You're in Miami while I'm worrying sick thinking you're dying in some hospital??? Somebody needs to spank you ... again ....

Ooooh, can't wait for Chrissy's site. Hope we shall get a special invitation for the gala opening.

levian said...

hope you are feeling much better now! i too, had been wondering why hasn't 411 come out with a new post for quite a while. i'm glad to hear that you guys will be back with more posts this time!

Ella said...

Enjoy the sun, R&R&R, rest, relax and recover from your sickness.
I look forward to March and visiting you again soon~

FilmMattic said...

It's great to hear you'll be back in full effect. I really enjoy your blog, as well as your guest segments.

You're damn lucky to be in Miami right now. The northeast weather sucks this time of year. I'd love to be somewhere warm!

Zinn said...

Well ... have fun in Miami ... I'm not jealous at all being up in cold Ontario, Canada or anything! Can't wait for some more posts :)

Pinecone Stew said...

Welcome back!!!

Have a super week.

Deniz Bevan said...

Eek! You just made me really jealous with that photo - sunshine, warmth and the beach in the background... Another polaresque day today up here :-(