Friday 22 July 2011

Paranormal Activity 3 Teaser Trailer

Ah prequels...It's time once again for yet another installment in the Paranormal Activity franchise. I cannot believe they are doing a third. A prequel to the prequel. What's next? Katie and Kristi as zygotes playing with ghosts in their mother's womb? And from this trailer, it's Bloody freakin' Mary as "the source." Because yeah, we haven't seen this particular ghost in about 8 million other stories.

I know you're all sitting out there going Melissa, what's wrong with you? These movies are fantastic and original and yes, scary. You don't know what good horror is. Well, maybe I don't, but I do know what I like and found footage with off camera noises, people being dragged by their feet by unseen interns, funky shadows and night vision is not it. So for your enjoyment,here is the teaser trailer for Paranormal Activity 3 which hits theaters this October. And remember kids, don't see it alone...


Jamie Gibbs said...

They've turned what was a brilliant new source of horror and turned it into a cliche so very quickly. There's a lot of potential for this 'uncovered footage' side of things (I direct your attention to the very end of the Dawn of the Dead remake) but Paranormal activity has just gone plain silly.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You are not alone! I thought the first movie was 'eh' and didn't bother with the second.

Unknown said...

@Jamie I loved the found footage at the end of Dawn of the Dead. This Paranormal Activity stuff drives me nuts, though. Someone pointed out that the budget for the first film was very low so that I could see maybe accounting for my huge disappointment, but now this with Bloody Mary? That is a very old ghost story/urban legend. Totally cliched.

@Alex Thank you!! I get lambasted on a regular basis by my movie going posse because I hated that film. I haven't seen the the second, either. I refused because the first had been such a waste. And now I see Bloody Mary, ugh!

FilmMattic said...

I haven't caught the sequel, but I mildly enjoyed the first. I watched it with a bunch of friends and it was a real hoot. None of us disagreed: some scary and bizarre shit went down.

But I avoided the sequel, like the Black Plague, for the same reasons you did. Like, really, did they need to go there again. Needless to say, I was incredibly dubious. I don't think, in fact, I know, I won't be watching the "Prequel to the Prequel."

Unknown said...

@Matt You got more out of the first than I did. I saw it as more of a comedy because it was just that bad. The acting was so bad, it was ridiculous and I felt like I was trapped in an over-long episode of The Discovery Channel's A Haunting.

All that time-elapsed crap and the demon taking forever to get her ass up the stairs at the end was a riot.

This prequel to the prequel is cliche to the core with the whole Bloody Mary thing. They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

DEZMOND said...

now it's becoming abnormal not paranormal :)

Unknown said...

@Dez LMAO Indeed it is!

Bowling Green Cleaners said...

This was lovelyy to read