Dear followers and regular readers, we apologise for the lack of posts this week.
Dempsey has been under the weather with the flu (man flu, the worlds worse!), and he is hibernating in the bedroom for the week. Don't worry he is fine, he has his Smallville and Melissa Bradley's new book to keep him occupied.
However, this week I will guest host until he is better, so from Saturday expect some posts from me. I will use his mis-fortune to finally takeover his blog,mwah ha ha ha, and will try my hardest to catch up with his own follwers blogs and comment and rate your recent posts.
Be warned, CJ is in the house!
Toodles x
Hi CJ! Poor Dempsey, I hope he feels better soon. I had the flu not too long ago and it was the worst, so I feel his pain and am sending some positive healing thoughts his way.
I look forward to seeing what you'll be posting. ;)
Thank you mel B, he did say that he is enjoying the book you sent him, I was supposed to put that in the post, honestly, first day on the job and I am already messing up ha ha.
But I will pass Dempsey your message via text, thank you
tell him not to die.
I hope Dempsey is doing fine and will recover soon from that terrible flu. Please send him my best thoughts! In the meantime, I'm sure we won`t get bored anytime soon with your posts, Christian, specially if they contain cute pictures like this last one :) Dempsey sure knows how to keep his readers entertained while he's away ;)
Good luck with the takeover and bummer Dempsey feels like crap. No fun!
didn't know one of the symptoms of flu is not being able to sit in front of a computer :PP
And are you sure he didn't take a real werewolf into his bed instead of the one from Melissa's book?
We're ready for your show, Chrissy, show us what you got!
Pleasure to meet you, CJ! Hope Dempsey gets well soon!
I hope Dempsey feels better soon!
Looking forward to your posts!
I don't get the flu, I get poisoned by assassins. It sounds much manlier that way.
My regards to Demps and it sure sounds like hell with him suffering the flu.
And hello there CJ! =D
Here's to a speedy recovery for The Demps!
Thanks everyone, I will be sure to pass on the messages!
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