The Movie411 Best Horror category has proved to be one of our post popular categories in the contest due to the vast amount of love for the genre. Some blogs have fully dedicated their site to the genre and others that have made the top5 nominees, review and post a lot on movies that just make you want to hide your face in a pillow.
The Nominees for Best Horror Blog 2010 are:
Matt Suzaka- Chuck Norris Ate My Baby
Even the title of his blog is disturbing don’t you think? Matt Suzaka likes to ‘vomit’ out posts on the horror genre and loves eating babies….yep its true. A proud member of the Horror Blogger Alliance and with many posts for all you horror fans to enjoy, it’s no wonder he made the top5 nominees in this category. No doubt a strong contender for the award and if you haven’t checked out his site already, there’s no better time than the present, and if you think he deserves the award then swing back and give him your vote.
Nebular - Cinemarvellous
A popular blog in our 2010 contest is Cinemarvellous, it’s editor George, A.K.A Nebular has been nominated in several awards and is excelling himself in this category. His love for the horror genre is in abundance over at his site. His most recent creature feature countdown is very interesting. He is also a proud member of the Horror Blogger Alliance, and also promotes the first ever horror scholarship and has his own horror section. Many horror fans make their decision on which gruesome movie to watch next just by his recommendations, so if you like things that go bump in the night then follow Cinemarvellous and give him that all important vote.
Brian Collins - Horror Movie A Day
Obsession with the genre is an understatement with Brian Collins, this guy posts a horror movie a day for you all to read. Posting not only about the mainstream horror movies that hit the big screens but also some B-movie classics that you may have never heard of if it wasn’t for a good read through his site. His head must be filled with all things hideous by now, and if your devoted to the genre as much as he is, then a certain go-see is in order. Like his choices and recommendations? Then award his devotion with a vote.
Carl Manes - I Like Horror Movies
His blog title says it all. Another member of The Horror Blogger Alliance, Carl Manes blog is dedicated to the genre, and even has the option for horror film makers to submit their movie for review, how cool is that?
Continually updated news and reviews on all things horror, I Like Horror Movies is a very successful blog even interviewing horror icons. It’s Horrific if you haven’t come across his site before now so go and see what horrors he likes, and if you like him, lets have that vote.

An avid fan of all things classic, from the films to the stars, she also shares a huge passion for the horror genre. Although now starting to get into the Christmas spirit over at her blog, not before reviewing the Nightmare Before Christmas I might add, her 31 days of horror posts clinched her many nominations in this category, a delightful month of reading for horror fans and fully recommend a read through. If you think Kalli is just as spectacular as her blog, then you know what to do.
Other Buzz: It’s the last day of voting guys and already some polls are closing with the results in. It’s starting to get very exciting. The guest judges have submitted their winners for the awards not up for the public vote, and this Thursday we will finally see which blogs will prevail.
Later this evening our last and final Buzz will bring you the nominees for our top award of Gold Movie Blog 2010, don’t miss it.
Go Nebular!
Thursday will be exciting!
I like most of the top five blogs in the horror, so hard to pick a favourite. But it has to be Cinemarevllous, I enjoy and agree with Nebular's opinions more on horror movies, so he gets my vote. Good luck to all though
I had an especially tough time with this one because I love, love horror films.
Alex, Dark-Blue-Jeans, thank you so much guys for the support! :) Your lovely comments are more valuable than any award! :)
Yes. CineMarvellous is my horror genre directory before I decide if I should head downtown to grab a ticket to any horror films. I don't watch a lot of horror films so it's my blessing that I've got him.
Oh, J-Son.... you put a huge smile on my face, buddy! You really did! :)
I love all genres, but HORROR and MARTIAL ARTS remain my two most favorite. I'm so glad my reviews are helping you choose what to watch.
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