There is nothing I love more than a hard rockin, full-throttle, guns blazin' good time movie and Battleship served it up in spades. It had all the requisite components for an epic thrill ride. You got your screwed up protag who has to rise to the occasion like good heroes are supposed to do, you got your world threat, your hot eye candy, your spectacular f/x, your AC/DC tunes and, AND you got your true life heroes coming aboard for the ride to make this look extra cool.
If you have not turned off your brains by fifteen minutes in, I strongly suggest you do so. There's not much to ruminate on, Battleship is built for action, not thinking. It takes a cast of typical action fare characters, throws in a few unexpected people, adds in a dash of subplot, then lets it rain fire and destruction. It's not particularly inventive, but it's high octane fun. The f/x are hardcore, mind-blowing sequences that will leave you going "hell yeah."

So if you are looking for nothing but a good time, check your brains at the door, indulge in a huge popcorn and have yourself a hellagood time with Battleship.
Mel, I'm extremely glad you enjoyed this one. I did too. Yes, it was a bit underwritten and quite silly at times, but the action was explosive and the CGIs were top-notch. I liked the cast too. I'm curious what did you think of Rihanna's performance? I thought it suited her and she wasn't bad at all.
I warned people as well - leave brain at door! Just grab your popcorn, sit back, and revert to a kid again as you delight in alien ships and huge explosions. Very dumb but a lot of fun.
And yes, I will be buying the 3D Bluray.
@George Rihanna was really good. I thoroughly enjoyed her as one badass chica in this. The entire cast was cool and yeah, I wan to own this one.
@Alex Yep, I will be owning this one for sure. It was just an awesome rush, and you're right, like being a kid again before we cared about things like plot and dialogue. ;)
I'm also extreeeemely glad that you enjoyed it. I had the feeling that everyone hates it except me & George :)
I'm appreciate your enthusiasm, Mel, but this is the very embodiment of a film I have zero interest in seeing. It reeks of corporate showmanship, a derivative commercial enterprise begging for kids' and parents' money (not to mention merchandising).
It is possible to enjoy the moments of levity and brainless, no-holds barred action, as you demonstrate. The film itself though is just a facsimile of fun, a flimsy experience with little to redeem its excusable origination.
Just my opinion. I respect your thoughts, but in this case I vehemently disagree.
I'm still glad you had fun :)
Alright Melissa, I'm going to catch this on video! May even buy it if it has good special features like concept art. :)
- Maurice Mitchell
The Geek Twins | Film Sketchr
@thegeektwins | @mauricem1972
I missed it in the theater - but my Super TV and a Blu-Ray should work just fine. Great review, Melissa!
@Maynard I don't think we're the only three who liked it. But, hey, that just proves we have awesome taste, doesn't it? :)
@Matt I somehow knew you'd be disagreeing with me. Proof our great minds do not always think along the same paths. We have fodder for lively debates that way.
You make some great points but, sometimes I just drink the Kool Aid and go with it. :) I do so love to enjoy some mindless cheese every now and again. I'm unrepentant that way. ;)
@Maurice You are in for a good time! I'm glad my review made you think twice about seeing this. It is a lot of just plain fun. A total kid experience.
@Craig Thanks I'm really happy you enjoyed my review. You and your TV are going to have a hellagood time with this one. It is no holds barred brainless fun. I can't wait to see it again some time. :)
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