Thursday, 9 December 2010

Blog Award Buzz: Mirror Mirror On The Wall

The time is almost here, The Movie411 Blog Awards winners post is less than a week away, and since you avid gorgeous followers have been nominating and voting for the last three months in your hundreds, I thought I would take some time out from posting reviews and movie gossip to post a little buzz about our award categories and their nominees. I know…I know, you’ll all miss my fantastic posts about the same old shit concerning movies you may or may not ever see, but don’t be downhearted, like the big buff bloke once said …’I’ll Be Back’.

Each day until the winners post is posted, I’ll be posting (excuse me a minute while I untie my tongue), an article on some of our categories and it’s contenders. Some of you nominees might even make the title image poster (seriously Photoshop is a marvellous invention), all of course to get you buzzed up for the big day.
I begin with our Sexiest Male and Female author Blog Award.

The Nominees for The Sexiest Male Author are:

Dezmond, Editor of Hollywood Spy

This rugged hunk spies on Hollywood every day and posts his findings straight away for all your reading pleasure. Popular amongst the females and men alike, the spy is yet to be caught and sometimes even disguises himself in his animated form. Up for more than one award, his witty charm and loveable banter will bring you to your knees (careful!), and like Daniel Craig, this 007 never fails to impress.

If you like things Shaken and not stirred, pop on over to Hollywood Spy and check him out, and if you’d like to be his Miss Moneypenny, a vote for him could surely get you a ride in his Aston Martin.

Ali, Editor of Dark-Blue-Jeans
Obsessed with all things fashion, both movie related and in general, this boy is a complete shopoholic! Quietly resembling Taylor Launter from the Twilight movies, Ali enjoys shopping with the females and coming out the stores with more bags than Kate Moss on a shopping spree. A gander at his blog will surely give you a fashion tip or two, and a vote may even sway his hand at making you your own exclusive outfit to the final. Although be warned, like Twilights Jacob Black, he howls at a full moon…..scary, but oh so gorgeous!

Luke, Contributing Author at Shadowlocked.

Ladies, one glance at his pearly white smile, fluffy blonde hair, and those sparkly eyes will be enough to leave you in a trance, and if that fails, his reviews will certainly do the job and entertain you.
Posting reviews and opinions on movies, games and current news, this all rounder has something for everyone. Surely worth a peck on the cheek from him if you cast your vote his way, him being as adorable as he is just makes me want to pinch his cheeks……..oh the ones on his face I mean you dirty minded swine…geeeez! ;)

Elgart, Editor of Bugabooflick

Putting the ‘C’ in cute is our dear Elgart, a keen lover of the horror genre. Though he would surely make you sit down and watch a gruesome gore fest movie with him, he would only be too happy to give you girls a shoulder to bury your head behind and comfort you…..ahhhhhh…or at least turn into Norman Bates and go all Psycho and help you out with a pillow covering your face to stop you from disturbing him enjoying his favourite movies! No..not at all, this cutey couldn’t be capable of such a thing, a visit to his site would let you have better judgment, and a vote might even entice him to watch a lovely romantic flick with you……ahh now isn’t that just wonderful? …Someone hand me a tissue, I’m getting all emotional.

The Nominees for the Sexiest Female are:

Von Yvonee, Editor of Von Yvonne

Von Yvonne
Move over Lucy Lu and make way for the ‘V’! Face of an angel, mouth of a wino, this adorable creature is both very funny and very stunning. Also up for best comedy blog award, Von Yvonne post reviews on movies as well as her own personal life. Always interesting, and sure to make you giggle from time to time, if you can stare away from her picture long enough take a look at her blog and give her some feedback, and if she impresses you as much as the people already flocking to nominate her, then scoot right back and give her some more votes. …..Simply adorable!

 Rashelle, Editor of A no.2 Pencil Stat

Rashelle writes fiction for all ages and intends to take over the world with her super-secret recipe for Toffee. The local police force adore and can’t get enough of her, even pulling her over from time to time to hand her a ticket and compliment her on her driving skills even though her car registration has expired. Sounds like a complete nutter? Have a word! This gorgeous blonde bombshell is our answer to a younger  stunning Goldie Hawn, sexy, funny and quite often in sticky situations.
Her posts-Fascinating, Her Looks- Mesmerising- Her luck with the law- Completely Shot To Shit. If you don’t believe me, check her out, and be sure to return with a vote when you realise what I tell you is     true.

Jenny B- Editor of Memoirs of a Scream Queen
Jenny B
 She’s the ‘IT’ girl for all things horror, and would much rather see peoples insides on the outside than play a game of golf, but this fiery temptress certainly has the look. That jet black hair, them sky blue eyes, and them dashing red lips will make many guys weak at the knees. She’s tried to warn us of a Zombie Apocalypse, and if you are late to adhere to the advice from the scream queen, then I would rush over and check her out now. Once you feel safe in the fact you have learned all you can to survive, why not give her a vote for her effort, she might even give you some more tips.

Angie and Chantale, Editors of Cinema Obsessed

Angie and Chantale
Lights…Camera….Obsessed, they say all good things come in pairs, with Angie and Chantale it’s no exception. This dynamic duo have a huge following of ‘Cin-Obs’ and are another blog up for more than one award. Not only being content with movies they somehow morph into them a become the main stars! Completely bonkers, and not just about movies the lovable sexy duo are devoted to their readers and adore your feedback, so check them out, and if you feel a vote is in order, you might just get a double whammy of kisses.

And that’s it for your nominees in The Sexiest Female and Male Author category. After checking out these sites, go over to the voting page and vote for your favourite blogs and authors.

I’ll be back tomorrow with more delightful categories and the nominees, until then, please remember, If you look like your passport photo…..then your too ill to travel!

Please note, although you are free to leave comments on this post and support for your favourite blogs in the comment section, under no means will I allow comments putting any of the other blogs/sites in the awards that you may not be supporting under a 'bad light'. Comments as such will be swiftly removed.  Thank you.


Unknown said...

AHA! I love this post and especially that ending line "if you look lke your passport photo, then you're too ill to travel"

Great post Dempsey! =)

Jaccstev said...

And the award goes to... ;)

Tanausú Vilches said...

Great post Dempsey... as usual! Love the humour too :)

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Von Yvonee and Luke! :)

DEZMOND said...

"his witty charm and loveable banter will bring you to your knees"
Oh, how I wish that would happen on a daily basis :P

Thanks for the lovely post, agent Sanders, but don't think you can use it to soften me up when you steal my Aston Martin for a ride around the town.

And Rashelle is my favourite among the gorgeous ladies in our blogosphere. A true Southern Belle!

I still wish you or Chris could get an award for the sexiest bloggers.

Unknown said...

What a field of wicked hotness. Do we have to pick just one?

Unknown said...

Wait, I'm from Chicago... I can vote as many times as I want. LOL ;)

Dempsey Sanders said...

Thanks for the comments so far guys. @ Dezmond...I will one day get my hands on that Aston Martin, just you wait and see....@ Melissa Bradey.....yes unfortunately you can only vote one person per category, though thats does leave you a vote for one male and one female.

Dempsey Sanders said...

ha ha ha Melissa xxxx

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Go Dezz and RaShelle!

levian said...

woot, 16th is less than 1 week to go! the way you describe each of the authors were cool. you're not only good with writing movie reviews, but also introducing authors. i had so much fun reading them! XD

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

OMG! Demps, is that Diana Vickers with you on that photo? :) Looks like her a lot!

"Shot shot shot shot shot like a bulletStop stop stop stop stop..." :)

RaShelle Workman said...

Dempsey - You're so fracken sweet!!! I've been out of the blogosphere lately, but your blog is awesome, you're totally cool and this post was perrrrfect. Thanks for being such a great guy. =D

Dark-Blue-Jeans said...

Ha ha, Taylor Launter!, Someone else said that to me last week at work. This was such a funny read Dempsey. I voted Angie & Chantale though tempted to vote Rashelle as she sounds amazing and looks so pretty.
Though I also agree with Dezmond here, if any person should be up for sexiest author it should be you, you can tell your a model you handsome bugger!

Yvonne said...
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Yvonne said...

Agreed! You should totally be the sexiest author!

Anyways, grrrreat post Dempsey! Had fun reading and I really loved the humour. Am totally flattered (。◕‿◕。)❤ (hehehe, and i grabbed the poster and had it up on my site xD)

And also, thank you and your partners for this lovely movie blog awards, I now have so many awesome blogs to read!

Angie said...

Dark Blue Jeans, you might just get that double whammy of kisses as promised by Dempsey!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are an expert in this field, you really got some great points there, thanks.

- Robson